Wednesday, March 13, 2013

You know you're tired of eating out when . . .

. . . you're willing to pay more for your groceries to shop across the street so you don't have to drive to a store with better prices and selection.
. . . you're happy to cook up a lean cuisine for dinner in your hotel room.
. . . you don't mind washing dishes.

We figure we have probably taken about 136 meals out, some better than others and some that were fantastic! But your come to a point when convenience and ease win out over your taste buds. After battling a couple hours of Melbourne in-city traffic and getting our credit card stuck in the parking garage machine, we were ready to crash in our room with the easiest way out. Wasn't so bad after all!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

In the parking garage machine? Not too good....ha. Your blogs are so good, English teacher.